this is my second part time job, the first time is last year as a sale girl during PC fair. this year I join this, the Popular Book Fair in Sdk for two weeks. before starting this job I thought I just need to arranging books and keep eyes open to avoid thief But its not! I was chosen as the cashier! omg! daddy said before better don't be a cashier but I am now. cashier need learn a lot! know how to work on with the payment system and need remember all offers item, all the discount percentage... a lot!!
cashier!! |
the stage became a place for storage |
Vi Cienne and me having all the meal together every day,
home made meal she brought mine too |
crazy playing when free |
here is the group photo of all the part timers!! still got one boy didn't in the pic,
he went home alrd before we taking this
all part timer |
Boys ^^
Girls ^^
me + Ah Nyuk |
just wanna said that cashiers are always the late people went home. this is not fair!! with the same salary but cashiers work more then the others... more tired and more busy... must increase our salary one! but they didn't make it. sometime just feeling angry with this, seeing other playing around and we four just can only stay in the counter side can't go any where and no people can came in too...
these are the day before the last day... mean the day we gonna pack all these things...
feeling regret that I didn't bought these disney series photo album
during our lunch rest time... we had lunch in the sch
canteen then have talk in the pavilion