It has been a long long time that I didn’t update or make any new post here. Here u go, I watch a lot some movies recently. I highly recommend this < 3 idiots > a Bollywood film release in the year of 2009. It’s about friendship of these three idiots, they study in a College/University of Engineering. Indian tradition always hoping their son become an engineer and daughter will be doctor. I think this movie is trying to overturn this thought, the theme is to encourage people to find your own dream and follow your mind or your hobby to study/work.
<3 idiots>

Five stars for this film!! Must watch!
I like the story arrange … it start with two of them(the red & the green “butt”) to find their friend(the blue), and then flash back to their college time, briefly describe their first meet, what happening during the time in school! Refute the teacher, overthrow something incorrect … It has a lot funny screen inside too! even thought the whole film is speaking in Hindi but very thanks to those subtitle maker~~ can’t understanding their language through the subtitle still can fully enjoy this film.
This film got a lot awards. This is really really a nice film! like it sooo much~~ <3
Beside, I watched this too, a Thai movie -- <A Little Thing Called Love>

four stars for this film.
Super nice love story… First Love. a lot funny thing happen, with love & friendship… The girls try many ways to attract boys’ attention, a lot funny and crazy ways. Something that we will also done it before in high school… ^^ It’s a;; about Love~~
and here… <The Secret of Moon Acre>

three stars for this movie.
this is something like Narnia, Alice in the Wonderland… that kind of story series. Fantasy version film… like fairy tale. I’m just like a child like these kind of movie fantasy, something will not happen in real life just like a fairy tale.
erm … what else… I watched a French film too but cant remember the film name.
ya, and a Korean movie <My Black Mini Dress>

three stars for this movie too.
Girls’ talk, party, wine, shopping, friendship, luxurious ~~~
some more some more.. .. ..
Taiwan film by LeeHom <Love in Disguise>
one star for this only~~ I very look forward to this before I watch it. After watching it, feel disappointed about it. People are nice, but the story structure really have a bit~~ dunno how to describe. The story not attractive enough, and it goes slow pace of. Shall not be denied that the movie theme song is very nice. Love the song very much. <3