OMG…. I wrote a lot in my Windows Live Writer and haven’t click for the “Save draft” key, then I gone! Now, I need to re-write again!!
My colleague, Phui Yuk, she is having a war fight with her new contact lens yesterday night during our Overtime hours in office. ^^ This is her first try on wearing it, she bought 5 pairs of color contact lens from internet and fresh received it on yesterday afternoon. From the pictures above, my Table! It almost become a pharmacy~~ and a tin of Latte she spend me. =D
She is trying so hard to force a piece of brown contact into her eye! haha…

(left pic) I helping her hold the little mirror and she is trying hard on putting the lens into her eye….

and me… having my Fb time + sticking those name label onto those new punch cards. Suddenly I heard her shout! and guess what, she said she had gone the lens during the time she try to wear it! What! the lens hanging on the wardrobe! Something pose like a spiderman! hahaha…. XD

Finally she did it but just her eye appear in red mood~~! then she comes confidence and try the other eye too! So, the conclusion is – 1 hours wearing a pair of new brown contact lens + red eyes after success!

Phui Yuk that day wearing… so~~ sexy back shirt! with lace cutting and lot holes there~~ ^^