Sunday, September 16, 2012

Pizza Buffet

为开学前对暑假的farewell去Pizza Hut好好地发泄了一番。之前听朋友说的在台湾有皮萨自助餐这回事,从那一刻起就立定了一定要给他好好吃一大餐!!在网路上到处寻找相关资料,离我们最近的店在中壢店所以就定下了前往中壢必勝客(Pizza Hut 中文名),不用上台北那麽費時。從我這往中壢去20分鐘醬就到了,上臺北還得花一個小時呢!揪團出發!四個女的為皮薩往中壢沖去!!我+室友+2位同學。

05.09.2012 爲了當天能吃回本,一大早就準備好了肚子為我們那豐盛的午餐留空閒。上網找了很多相關資料最吸引我的是他們Salad Bar。對了,我們剛好遇上他們的優惠活動,週三有學生優惠。出示學生証就可享有優惠。所以那天我們一個人只需花費NT 244 (include tax) ,用餐時間為兩個小時~!

一來就給他拿了一碟沙拉槃 ^^






那天沒拍太多的照。mian~ =P 顧著吃了。大愛這的皮薩!!口味完全跟馬來西亞不同,而且料超多的說。



什麽豬肉片的,還有Pepperoni !!



Thursday, September 6, 2012

Present Cake

Requested by my cousin after she saw the rainbow cake pic that I post to my sis in facebook. She left a comment there and requested me make a “present” cake for her for her birthday on 30th-Aug. She said a “present” look cake can be act as present and birthday cake too. So that she hope that I can make one for her. XP I’m very free and have nothing to do since still holiday now so I really go make one for her on the day. Actually it’s very easy to make one but gonna make it nice is HARD!! Maybe my skill on making fondant isn’t that good enough or the cake I bake isn’t good enough or what, I’m really almost gonna give up on it cause it really look not that nice n smooth enough and I’m so mad about it. Here the pic taken that day~ the making of the present cake.

Here the cake, it’s just simple sponge cake and I cut it into cube shape like a present box.

Making fondant in crystal blue color~ it’s like tifanny&co box. My sis suggest me to make a Tifanny & co. box where every girl dream of, cause it always contain jewelry inside. ><

Here the present look!!

Happy Birthday Janice~!!!


After adding some more decoration on the ribbon and now it doesn’t look like the tifanny & co any more. Smile with tongue out Cut one piece of the cake to prove that is a real cake~! haha…. in case of other doesn’t believe in me. I promise that the cake I make in the future will be more nice and pro~! The cake above really not that nice enough as what I plan or think. I need to improve myself and make it super nice look and taste. Hwaiting~!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rainbow cake for Sis

My sis always cue me on “I really hope that I can have a Rainbow Cake for my birthday cake!” and she keep showing me video or pic of making a rainbow cake. So here I decided to make a rainbow cake for her on her birthday on 28-Aug. Even though I’m now back to Taiwan and she back to Macau already, I’m going to show her the cake thru video call or facebook. (^_^)


Making a rainbow cake it’s just need a lot coloring to make it nice. Using the color I had (red, blue, yellow & green) and mix the Orange & Purple myself.

and… here the cake~!


sticking the rainbow up with whipping cream in side.

Here a rainbow~ made by fondant.


Here the final look of my cake~~

rainbow cake

Happy Birthday stupid sis~ ><
Wish all your wishes come true~~