My Christmas Eve of year 2009 is having a barbecue with family and uncle auntie too . . . just same as last year we did it too. Apart of celebrating the coming Christmas we also celebrate my cousin birthday >>> Kevin Lu Gen Jing. Dad just come back from work at 6pm then he start planing the things for the barbecue . . .We start it about 7pm, that was the hard time we need to set up the fire to cook. The smoke covered the whole area that is quite hard to breath and the smoke keep going into my eyes, really hate that moment.It will be better when we start cook and start eat.
Eat eat eat and eat almost forget to take pic. This is the first pic when I start up the camera. Once again Cheng Cheng(the birthday boy brother) and behind Celia(Hong Yi), very cute girl with big big eyes, white skin, and super curly dark hair.

Opps . . . sorry for the shirt of Celia . . .

the two men busy for the whole night uncle Hiap and daddy~~ (from left)

have a bit blurr. . . with this pic maybe the smoke fly toward the camera

busy eating every one . . .

this pic can be the advertisement pic of COLA~~~!!! She hugging the Cola
bottle and wish to drink it but not enough age yet . . .

Jamie Lu and Jiun(never change her pose when taking photo) busy eating
hot dog for the whole night . . .

Ya. . . saw you playing with the water now . . . still smile at me!

Hey! Cheng Cheng, you can walk already can you just borrow your old 'car' for Celia??
Stop kacau lah!!

Helping Jamie to take a pic but mummy suddenly close in . . .

another pic that mum with the same pose and smile . . .

Kissing kissing . . . can't tahan! too cute already . .

Happy Birthday!!! Gen Jing(wear grey in color), the boy who birth in the
X'mas eve every year . . . so lucky one . . .

Hard to take a pic which can every one look at the same camera . . .

my Christmas surprise!! Saw it on my bed with hiding inside the big red sock

that is, the Portable Hard Drives with 320GB!!! Yes!! Like it very much
even thought it is not the larger >>> 500GB but like so . . .
the hard disc with a super reflection cover . . .

three packs of sweet pack by Ms Lam(mum's friends)

Jiun . . . with the same pose again . . .