New Drama!!!
This new drama super nice lol . . . I only watched three ep,I really can't wait to continue watch all!!!! It like the korean classic drama >> 蓝色生死恋 (don't know its english name). The first ep is talk about childhood love story, there had something sad thing happen make me cry the whole night. The main girl character's brother had death just because of helping her to find a necklace that had fell into the river so her brother died of drowning. The second ep turn to the adult life the true story of the drama going to start now . . . that is about 8 years later . . .

hahaahah........ finish download till ep 8 . . . can't wait already . . .
Now still helping mum in her shop, tonight will be the night I continuos watch 4 ep of the drama. Yoo hoo!!! Let's celebrate the first second 0f year 2010 by watching it!!! It should be the unforgettable night for 2010!!!
Happy New Year, everyone !!!
Happy New Year!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for this too omg!!!!
help me download alvin and the chipmunk, princess and the frog! Pleaseeee I love u!