The first day on year 2010, what have you done in that day? I had a nice and happy and special day on that. One week before it I received a message from my best friend >> Shian, she invited me to her house on the the first of Jan just for gathering before bored school life start. Okay, I must attend this, an important gather with five of my best friends. It must be the best memory in the new year. . . . . . sure that I must take a lot a lot and a lot pictures for our history records . . . Oh ishs. . . forgot to take my mouse a long with me! I'm not used to use the "plane" mouse on the notebook computer that really hard to control things.
First . . . I'm the first person arrived her house, I'm quite punctuality, heheheh....... what invited me in first are those food that Shian's mum cooked for us. There have pasta with cheese on it!!! and some fried chicken!! They look very very nice but . . . I just finish my breakfast with family before there. Her mum keep pushing me to eat then I still eat some, very nice in taste ~~~ yummy!!!
Then the second . . . her brother!!! so cute~~~ with a pair of BIG BIG eyes, damn cute on it!! Go crazy on her brother's look. We all fall in love with her bro and keep playing with he.
Then continue with the arrived of other friends Ma Vi, Veronica and Soo Yi, here you go five friends but actually Veronica is not one of it but never mind she the 6th of it still one, Sandra. She haven come yet, and we got a news she will come at 1:00 pm . . . . . . = means afternoon baru come.
All "four" eyes people taking pic with Jun Jun(Shian's brother). hehehehehehhh . . . . . . . 

Seem like have a food party in Shian's house this day cause her mum keep putting on more and more food on the table for us. Lunch time arrive!!! Auntie heat up the pasta again + prawn + rice + pickled cucumber + mango (which planted by her dad) + caramel pudding(this really very delicious)
Finally saw Sandra already . . . all are here then our Santa(Shian) send gift to us!!! Quite surprise in the moment. I received a recipes book , and this my favorites cartoon >> Winnie the Pooh cup!! In the Disney cuties version . . . that is really cute!! I dream to have one when I saw it in supermarket. My house got too many cups already so my mum never let us buy cups anymore . . . Actually I got one before but it had broken by mum~~~in an accident. Never mind anymore cause I got a new one!!!

Take pic with our own new present. I'm just thinking . . . the present stand for~~? They are for Christmas or New Year ? hahahahahhhaa . . . too happy forgot to ask Shian.

from the left top: me, Shian, Soo Yi(white shirt + glasses), Sandra(purple shirt),
Ma Vi(black shirt)
This Veronica, taking pic herself with her present.

Our group photo . . . photo by uncle.

Catch this when Veronica busy looking back those picture we had taken.

What a crazy decision, we walked to ' 7 heaven'(place for ice-cream) from home!!
Walking beside the high way, this is quite danger~!!!

Nice shot, with the most natural moment.

Me and Veron, take pic beside HIGH WAY!!

Funny Ice-cream look, don't you think it just look like the ~ ~ in toilet that.
hahahahahhh . . .
Final . . . 5 group photo.
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