Happen yesterday . . . what the hell on it!! Why would this happen in a new year! Really damn it! Faced financial problems recently, parents full of stress on financial, suffering for $. The stupid company keep reduction the commission, tell me what is the reward for mum? Working hard for their stupid sell targets and get back a little commission of it. What is for?
Two "shit"~this is what I called those thief !! Stolen something all cost about RM800 like that . . . Caught one of it but useless cause another one get the things. Useless but at least this guy blowed by those police a lot. He never give out the other one's information and just let the police blow on he. These are what I heard from parents . . . really want to kill him! If I have a gun!
Some more . . . the police in SDK really can't trust!! They are lazy! and stupid with their brain too! What had they done? They just confess the "shit" to tell them another one's place and information . . . actually if they really wanna help you to catch the thief they can, isn't it? They must have way to do that just depends on they wanna help or not. If this little thing they also can't do it then what are they for? Just by compare with the police in HK and TW, they must have different! Always see those news of TW, their police really like a super man! They can easily catch thief!! So great!
That make me most angry was . . . they gonna set free the thief after 42 hours . . . just like that. This was the way the police done their jobs in SDK !!!
I am very disappointed people here, even though I born here too!! I feel very ashamed of the behavior of the people here. Happen on Sunday, the day that most people gather in town! Listen, is MOST! Many people there then why we still can't catch another thief? This is the problem . . . they all just stand and watch! Without helping!!!
If they help, we must can get the other "shit"! MUST!! I'm sure! If the people can collaborate. . .
Show you these, the "shit" pic. Capture by a reporter,unfortunately, being unable to see his face clearly. Don't know how the reporter hold a camera . . . the most important is his face mah!!!
I will never forget this look!!! and should let all the SDK people remember he! The thief!!

I'm so sorry that I use a lot vulgar language here, cause too angry already . . .
forgive me, give vent to my emotions here . . .
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