Friday night 6:00pm, when our whole family finish laughing to my sis that she fall beside the road again!! in the afternoon. . .
This must have been cursed . . . I fall down too about 7:30pm in the public library in front of my dad but he didnt helped me at that time just sat in front me and do nothing > _ <. Three years ago I sprained my right foot and now the left foot again! The God want to make it balance, okay, I accepted that to make both my foots have the same experience. This is really "good"!
Never mind just pain for some more days . . . but my sch sport days are coming soon!!! I joint the marching team too!! I can't miss it cause this is my last year for my secondary sch life!!! No more for that if I miss it. . . I sprained on Friday and my sport days will be held on Tuesday!!!
quite "lucky" one, isn't????
This is the true --- Luckily!! not so serious this time, better than last time - the right foot. After see the doctor it get better already . . . today can walk properly already but don't know I still can marching or not . . . after two days will be the marching competition ~~~ God Bless Me!!!
Hopefully I can join it~~~.

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