Three days sport!! but I only have the pic on the last day cause I bring the camera secretly to complex~~~ shuh~~~ don't tell my mum. The first and the second days Shian got brought her camera so I didn't brought mind and we join the marching competition too no time for me to handle the camera lol . . .
The third day, really not nice weather. . . rain. Try it before? Sport day with no sunshine the whole day! Quite nice one actually no sun burn to our skin but it was too late. . . we already burn in the first two days. . .

Raining day . . . wetting the long jump sands . . . flying sand, see it?

Sandra, who try to capture me and I did it so. She said I absolutely look
like a paparazzi so she try to capture me . . .

flying up!!! Our yellow house boy leader!

Blue house long jump campion!

Sandra + me

Kenny Hou and Soo Yi . . . Guess what are they arguing?

Our yellow house mascot this year --- Tigger!!

Fly!!! Bom Bom!!!

Yellow house best athlete!!! always get the campion in what he take part. . .

crazy one . . . Fenny fall in love with my camera and keep taking some "sot sot" pic

the 260 ---- Fenny

our yellow house boy marching into the field to ready for the tug of war~~

Let's "Fighting !" before it start. . .

" 1,2,1,2,1,2 . . . . ." Opps . . . capture something not elegant . . .
the first person . . . who back facing us . .

Fenny and Anson, who busy blocking the rain drops . .

Singing our "NegaraKu" with crazy voice . . .

Hoo ray !!!!

Yee Wan, Fenny, Ting

nice group photo under the rain!!!

but i'm not inside there . .. . cause i'm the one holding the camera . . . ^~^
very regret that i didn't ask another people hold the camera and I can join in . . ..
regret . . . .
yala, regret leh, such a nice pic but u're not in, so stoopid lah u! u bring mom's camera ah?