What I had bought from KL. . . not so much things because I didn't expect to buy any things. The most important thing is a new wallet. When we at Sungai Wang we get these . . . AIDS AWARE!!! That why you can see some of my picture got the red ribbon on my shoulder. The promoter keep sticking the red ribbon to every body just to remind us about this.

This is funny one, it like a paper mirror. Once you look at the paper it will reflect your look on it like a mirror then "YOU COULD BE LOOKING AT SOMEONE WHO IS HIV POSITIVE". . .

I love this earrings, gun + hand pull . . . it only cost RM 10 for three of these.

These is three for 10 too. . I bought it in front of the Muzium Negara. Actually we can order to make your name it only cost RM8 but we have not enough time to stay there so I miss this chance.

Ya, my new wallet it is from Milk Teddy too same as the old one but this is longer and can put more cards...

The sticker photo... we make it in the Genting there it cost RM35~~!!!! but we six people share the payment together.

This is the pic we take last year with my best friends + background the Mount Kinabalu.
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