here some pic of Jiun's sleeping look... she is always amazing with her pose.
look at this. . . there still filming cartoon on the tv then we thought that she still watching it...

then zoom in . . .

zoom in again . . .

that is. . . zZzzZzZZzzz. . . .

every day rain. . . rain till

no current...

I'm using camera flash to capture this... then can see those
rain drops very clearly

this capture by opening the flash. . .

then without flash. . . this is better like waterfalls

aunt(Celia's mum) cook in my house that night cause rain too heavy
can't go any where. this is the chicken cook with wine...

candle night~~

fried chicken? yup... but actually this is KFC's chicken...
first time eat KFC like that... this is more easy to eat.

Celia~~~ the current is back after our dinner

really soft body...

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